XTags is a little keyboard-driven program which implements tags for X11.
It's a pseudo-WM called WHM (Window Helper Manager). It's main goal is to get rid
of a "real" WM by using it with dvtm on the master tag and put the
secondary clients into the other tags. The basic concept was inspired
by dwm, so was the configurability through editing the source code.
All the functionality is accessible through the keyboard; the mouse is simply
ignored. This fully meets the author's needs.
I could try to explain why i wrote XTags, discarding all other freely available
window managers (many of which are very good), but it's even better to
read the objective observations expressed by Leonardo Taccari in his paper
XTags - Un sistema desktop ideale (only available in
These are few ``quick shots'' made from me and Leonardo Taccari on his NetBSD box:
The latest stable release of XTags is the 0.5 which you can get from the
download page. Get the changelog here
changelog. To browse the current code, navigate the
CVS repository on
It's possible to obtain the current development branch via CVS by using the following
$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@xtags.cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/xtags co -P xtags
This will create the xtags directory containing all the sources.
You can ask for help on the
xtags-users mailing list. Patches, suggestions or other ways of involvement
in the project will be much appreciated!
There is no official IRC channel, but you can usually find the author and some
XTags users on #netbsd-it@freenode.
There are few developers working on the project right now. Though, the author
is actively developing XTags since he uses it for his own needs first.
Improvements and extensions are being considered, but the author is quite happy
with the current state of the project, so he might add new features, but might
as well just keep doing code cleanups and bugfixing. Check the
project page for more information.
XTags is simple enough, so not much documentation is needed. The man page is a
good place to start, if you wish to learn more, but the real documentation is
the source code. The config.h file is simple enough for non-developers
to understand. The project needs a good programmer to help with debugging and
make code improvements, add interesting new features (possibly those requested
by the users on the mailing list), etc.